Translations of Early Christian Writings Into English
Collections of Early Christian Writings:
To view a list of published volumes and collections which contain a significant number of early Christian writings, visit the published collections page.
To see more detailed lists, sorted by early Christian writing or writer, see the list below. The list below is intended to be a fairly complete list of translations of each of these early Christian writings or writers.
Individual Early Christian Writings or Writers:
It is impossible to know the exact dates of composition of the following writings. An attempt has been made to put them in a roughly chronological order.
This list generally does not include early Christian writers for whom there are only small fragments of their writings still in existance.
This list is still a work-in-progress and does not yet include most 3rd and 4th century early Christian writings.
- The Two Ways
- 1 Clement (also called “Clement to the Corinthians”)
- Shepherd of Hermas (also called “Pastor of Hermas”)
- An Anonymous Early Christian Sermon (also called “2 Clement”)
- Letters of Ignatius of Antioch
- Polycarp to the Philippians
- Letter of Barnabas
- Didache (also called “Teaching of the Twelve Apostles”)
- Odes of Solomon
- Apology of Aristides
- Martyrdom of Polycarp
- Mathetes to Diognetus
- Revelation of Peter
- Justin — “First Apology”
- Justin — “Second Apology”
- Justin — “Dialogue With Trypho”
- Justin — Other Writings
- Martyrdom of Justin, Chariton, Charites, Pæon, and Liberianus
- Athenagoras of Athens
- Tatian of Syria
- The Diatessaron (an early harmony of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
- Marcus Minucius Felix — “Octavius”
- Melito of Sardis
- Acts of Carpus, Papylus, and Agathonice
- Acts of the Scillitan Martyrs
- Letter from Lyons and Vienne
- Irenaeus — “Against Heresies”
- Irenaeus — “Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching”
- Irenaeus — Fragments
- Theophilus of Antioch
- Acts of Apollonius
- Clement of Alexandria — “Exhortation to the Greeks” (also called “Protrepticus” or “Exhortation to the Heathen”)
- Clement of Alexandria — “The Tutor” (also called “Paedagogus” or “The Instructor”)
- Clement of Alexandria — “Miscellanies” (also called “Stromateis”/”Stromata”)
- Clement of Alexandria — “Who is the Rich Man That is Saved?”
- Clement of Alexandria — Fragments
- Tertullian
- Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas
- Hippolytus — On Christ and Antichrist
- Hermias
- Eusebius’s Ecclesiastical History