Early Christian Writings in their original languages or other ancient languages
Individual writings:
Shepherd of Hermas:
Polycarp to the Philippians
- Epistula Polycarpi, Helsinki University Library Critical Editions (published 2023, edited by Matti Myllykoski)
2 Clement:
Apology of Aristides:
- Die ältesten Apologeten (German for The Oldest Apologists) (published 1914, editied by Edgar J. Goodspeed) [note this book is in German but contains original language critical texts of The Apology of Quadratus, The Apology of Aristides, The First and Second Apology of Justin, Justin’s Dialog with Trypho, Tatian’s Address to the Greeks, The Apology of Melito and Athenagoras’ Appeal for the Christians] — facsimile
Mathetes to Diognetus:
Revelation of Peter:
Justin — Apologies:
- The Apologies of Justin Martyr… (published 1877, edited by Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve) — facsimile
- The Apologies of Justin Martyr (published 1911, edited by A. W. F. Blunt) — facsimile
- Die ältesten Apologeten (German for The Oldest Apologists) (published 1914, edited by Edgar J. Goodspeed) [note this book is in German but contains original language critical texts of The Apology of Quadratus, The Apology of Aristides, The First and Second Apology of Justin, Justin’s Dialog with Trypho, Tatian’s Address to the Greeks, The Apology of Melito and Athenagoras’ Appeal for the Christians] — facsimile
Justin — Dialogue with Trypho:
- Die ältesten Apologeten (German for The Oldest Apologists) (published 1914, edited by Edgar J. Goodspeed) [note this book is in German but contains original language critical texts of The Apology of Quadratus, The Apology of Aristides, The First and Second Apology of Justin, Justin’s Dialog with Trypho, Tatian’s Address to the Greeks, The Apology of Melito and Athenagoras’ Appeal for the Christians] — facsimile
- Iustini Martyris Dialogus cum Tryphone, volume 47 of Patristische Texte und Studien, De Gruyter (published in 1997, edited by Miroslav Marcovich) [Greek critical text]
- Justin Martyr, Dialogue avec Tryphon, édition critique, introduction, texte grec, traduction, commentaires, appendices, indices, Coll. Paradosis nos. 47, vol. I-II., Editions Universitaires de Fribourg Suisse (published in 2003, edited by Philippe Bobichon) [Greek critical text and French translation]
Tatian — Address to the Greeks:
- Die ältesten Apologeten (German for The Oldest Apologists) (published 1914, edited by Edgar J. Goodspeed) [note this book is in German but contains original language critical texts of The Apology of Quadratus, The Apology of Aristides, The First and Second Apology of Justin, Justin’s Dialog with Trypho, Tatian’s Address to the Greeks, The Apology of Melito and Athenagoras’ Appeal for the Christians] — facsimile
Athenagoras — A Plea Regarding Christians:
- Die ältesten Apologeten (German for The Oldest Apologists) (published 1914, edited by Edgar J. Goodspeed) [note this book is in German but contains original language critical texts of The Apology of Quadratus, The Apology of Aristides, The First and Second Apology of Justin, Justin’s Dialog with Trypho, Tatian’s Address to the Greeks, The Apology of Melito and Athenagoras’ Appeal for the Christians] — facsimile
- Athenagoras, volume IV of Douglass Series of Christian Greek and Latin Writers (published 1876, edited by Francis Andrew March and William Baxter Owen) — facsimile
- Legatio Pro Christianis, volume 31 of Patristische Texte und Studien, Walter De Gruyter (published 1990, edited by Miroslav Marcovich) — facsimile/preview
Athenagoras — On the Resurrection:
- Athenagoras, volume IV of Douglass Series of Christian Greek and Latin Writers (published 1876, edited by Francis Andrew March and William Baxter Owen) — facsimile
The Diatessaron:
Marcus Minucius Felix — “Octavius”:
- M. Minuci Felicis Octavius, B. G. Teubner (published 1992, edited by Bernhard Kytzler)
Theophilus of Antioch — Apology to Autolycus:
- Théophile d’Antioche: Trois livres à Autolycus, Sources Chrétiennes no. 20, Du Cerf (published 1948, edited by Gustave Bardy)
- Theophilus of Antioch: Ad Autolycum, Oxford University Press/Clarendon Press (published 1970, edited by Robert M. Grant)
Clement of Alexandria:
- Clemens Alexandrinus I. Protrepticus und Paedagogus, GCS 12 (published 1905 & 1936, edited by Otto Stählin and published 1972, edited by Ursula Treu) — facsimile
- Clemens Alexandrinus II. Stromata I-VI, GCS 15 (published 1906 & 1936, edited by Otto Stählin) — facsimile
- later editions released as GCS 52 (published 1960, edited by Ludwig Früchtel & published 1985, edited by Ursula Treu) — facsimile
- Clemens Alexandrinus III. Stromata Buch VII und VIII. Excerpta ex Theodoto. Eclogae prophetica. Quis dives salvetur. Fragmente., GCS 17 (published 1909, edited by Otto Stählin & published 1970, edited by Ludwig Früchtel) — facsimile
- Clemens Alexandrinus IV. Register 1, GCS 39/1 (published 1936, edited by Otto Stählin & published 1980, edited by Ursula Treu) — facsimile
- Clemens Alexandrinus IV. Register 2, GCS 39/2 (published 1936, edited by Otto Stählin)
- Clementis Alexandrini Paedagogus (published 2002 by Brill, edited by Miroslav Marcovich and Jacobus C. M. van Winden)
- Clement of Alexandria: Quis Dives Salvetur, Cambridge University Press (published 1897) — facsimile
The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas:
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